Maryland Board of NursingThe mission of the Maryland Board of Nursing is to advance safe quality care in Maryland through licensure, certification, education, and accountability for public protection.
The Board of Nursing operates under the Maryland Nurse Practice Act, Health Occupations Article, Section 8. The Board has authority to adopt regulations as necessary to carry out provisions of the law. The Board is mandated to regulate the practice of Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses, Advanced Practice Registered Nurses, Certified Nursing Assistants, Certified Medication Technicians, Licensed Electrologists, and Licensed Direct Entry Midwives.
All 3 pages must completed and submitted. Only applicants scheduled to take their national Board exam are eligible for the Graduates Agreement. Updated information for CRNA applicants and CRNAs: Effective October 1, 2018, the requirement for all CRNAs to submit to the MBON a Nurse Anesthetist Notification of Collaboration (notifying the Board of the name and license number of a (singular) physician or dentist with whom they will collaborate) is no longer a requirement prior to practicing as a CRNA in Maryland. Please refer to Md. Code Annotated, Health Occupations,Title 8, Section 8-513 (which is now in effect) for the specific statutory requirements for supervision and for collaboration and scope of practice restrictions for CRNAs. Thank you for assisting the MBON in meeting its mission: to advance safe quality care in Maryland through licensure, certification, education and accountability for public protection.
These regulations and all other COMAR regulations can be found at the Division of State Documents - |